Navigating costs in estate planning and administration

When dealing with the passing of a loved one, the probate process can be a complex and often emotionally challenging experience.

It can also be expensive.

In British Columbia, understanding how probate fees work is crucial for anyone involved in estate planning and administration.

What you pay

  • No Probate Fee for Estates Valued up to $25,000: If the estate’s value falls below $25,000, you won’t be subject to any probate fees.
  • Estates Valued between $25,000 and $50,000: 0.6% fee.
  • Estates Valued over $50,000: 1.4% fee.
  • Additional $200 Court Application Fee: Estates with a gross value exceeding $25,000 are subject to an additional $200 court application fee.

At Greenbridge Capital, we have developed a valuable tool designed to help estimate the probate fees for estates in British Columbia.

Curious about the fees associated with your estate? Check out the Greenbridge Capital Probate Fee Calculator for more information.